
It's Black and White and Chic All Over

It's you (and me) in the new year.

i have (a knockoff of) this necklace

While dreaming (as usual)
of all the things I want
in the new year, specifically
after I watched, for the 20th
Of A
I got a sudden burst of style
inspiration. People constantly
say, "Fashion is dying."
and "Journalism is dying"
but I decided, if that's so,
then I'll just have to resurrect it,
Won't I?

So this is me giving a huge,
finger to all those who criticize
our industry:
{say it with me}

If I want to, I will.

I don't think it matters how hard
it is to get into the fashion world.
It matters how hard a fashionista is
willing to work.

Anyway, I've realized I'm more and more in love with
It's chic, it's feminine, yet edgy. It's
excessively minimal.
Plus its main colors, the main colors in my wardrobe,
and my favorite colors at that,
are black and white.
While watching a show on it's site,
[how productive]
I decided I'd be wearing this dress to my graduation in 2011.
Or maybe,realistically, I'll get a seamstress to sew me a version of it,
couture is not in my budget ;)
Some style collages for inspiration.

Joyeuses fetes!
xoxo Mo

ps- what do you want this new year?


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous selections, darling! Especially loving that bustier in the first collage and the bootie in the last one!

Happy New Year!!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Beautiful sets! I'm hoping 2010 sees a 2.55 for me. Ah ha ha

Allegra said...

great post, honey! so ture.

well, I finally want to finish school haha.. but, check out my new year's resolutions via www.allegrabj.blogspot.com

daisychain said...

Happy New Year! I hope 2010 is wonderful for you xxx

noone said...

I love your selections! Hehe I like chanel too, but in my town there are soo many people with fake chanel purses I feel that if I buy one people will just assume it's fake too! Ohhh wellz, happy 2010!!

indigotangerine said...

Happy New Year! Go for it! Hard work pays off. Pretty sets, chanel is pretty much the epitome of classiness.

anna bu said...

stop smoking would be a good thing :)

black and white will be always around in fashion i think....so classy and chic


un petit lapin said...

If I were only allowed to wear one brand for the rest of my life (assuming I could afford it) it would be Chanel. It's just so elegant and timeless! Can't wait to see your version of that beautiful dress.

Anonymous said...

I love how you recognized my song title, love John Lennon, very much so, I'm obssesed. Journalism is not dead yet and fashion is more alive than ever.

~kristie~ said...

sooo pretty! love them all!


Marz said...

Wow! if you got that Chanel dress (or a highly similar version) for your grad, I would have no doubt you would be the best dress there! Great post.

Mónica said...

I don't know what I want.. but I do know what I don't want. It's great to see that you are so willing to do things! keep on like that!

AX80 said...

I want the set of tattooes by Chanel. Too bad it's a bit far til Xmas again.

Emz said...

Haha I didn't use to understand the obsession that everyone had with Chanel. Then I went to the Chanel flagship in Paris and voila... I'm in love too! Happy 2010!

loft in SoHo said...

Great collages!!!!!I love your selections! Happy 2010 dear!!!! and thanks for the comment,


decorating fabrics said...

This is a beautiful mix and match of pieces I love it.

Boracay beach hotel said...

Oh! I love the fabulous shoes, stunning.

Gio Goi Casual Tops said...

Great pics! That skirt is fabulous!

kids jewellery said...

Wonderful post! Keep up the good work!

Taj said...


Anonymous said...

good one! i just brought even more another emo backgrounds on my blog

Schnappy said...

Very beautiful necklace! I make jewelry, I wait for you on my blog!
Have a nice day!

mutima said...

iam crazy aboout all things chanel i got the coco befor chanel dvd and the new book chanel collections and creations and i have beeen drolling over everything, and i know coture is not in my budget so i went instead to my nearest deaprment store and bout some chanel make up and perfume instead, that way i can live the dream even on a budge ha ha:)xxscisi

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Chanel is most definitely timeless and an amazing source of inspiration!