Okay, so I just finished watching the latest episode of Model.Live on vogue.tv. And I don't know what to say...it was really good, but something's wrong with me right now...
Yesterday when I was walking down to my house from the bus stop (I was returning from VOX), it was maybe 8:30, dark outside. It was a two mile walk...or maybe something like that, I could be exaggerating. I was walking, and I realized that
X-thousand miles away a model was walking a runway in London (it's fashion week!). The footsteps I took, she took too. The breaths I took, she took too...but I was merely trying to get home to finish my homework, and she was getting paid, possibly more famous in the industry...
Instantly I fixed my posture, and re-positioned my bag as if it were an Hermes Birkin, and lengthened my already-graceful stride. As I walked up and down the hilly sidewalk, I knew she (the unknown model in london right now, my competition) wasn't putting as much effort into her catwalk as I was in mine. Thank God I'm in shape because most people would've been huffing and puffing..but I was just strutting and strutting.
I created my own wind...something she couldn't...the designer she was walking for was probably trained in couture so she would have been wearing a chignon, no wind in her hair. I kept my saunter, I wonder what the people driving by me thought, no they weren't cars, they were flashbulbs, capturing my first show. I stole a page from Chanel Iman's (I heart her too!) book and winked at Anna Wintour. She slid her shades to the bridge of her nose and winked at me too. Something, she never does...that means she likes me...she winked...oh wait darn! It was just a mailbox, and incredibly shiny at that. I could see my house now, that means its almost the end of the runway. I got closer and closer to my front porch...closer and closer to the end of the platform. I stopped in front of the door, I stopped at the end and posed for 3 seconds. I turned the doorknob, I turned around with absolutely no difficulty and strutted back. I walked up to my room-my mom told me I had to do the dishes, I was backstage again-everyone told me how good I was out there. In both, realities I looked at my mirror and smiled...this time next year...I'll do just that...and it won't be just a fantasy...
(I hope!)
I love her dress it is very cute!!!!
anything is possible plus i love models
It's funny how this world works.Mo I be imagining and daydreaming about life too.And it's funny how people who are pursuing a dream you want to do is doing that job while you're imagine it.Dreams can come true,and someday yours will too
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