Alas, my summer vacation (which rarely included relaxation) has come to an end and I'm back in high school for my junior year, which is pretty much the most stressful year of school-with all the testing and scrambling to take the right classes, looking for scholarships, finding the perfect college for moi- but whatever, I'm not going to bore with you with those things, but attempt to excite you with some more a few things.
The first time I was on TV ->click<-, it was right after last school year ended, and you all were wonderful with your warming comments. I find it almost too coincidental that the 2nd and most recent time I made a television appearance aired the day before this school year started-but maybe that's just me over thinking.
Anyhoo, this time, VOX's founder and Executive Director and I visited another Atlanta morning show, JJ On Atlanta . Unfortunately, I can't find the video, but I have pictures!
Me in the makeup chair
One of my amazing editors (if you look close you see me taking the picture ;)
Random wall I stared at while waiting in the green room
Lights! camera! action, the set:
So, umm,Yeah. Anyhoo...
On the first day of school, I wanted to wear something similar to the Olivia Palermo look in my "Chocolate Craving" section but I didn't, I went for something a little more...well, frilly. That was inspired by this past creation
As you can see, I haven't mastered the "blogger pose" quite yet...but tell me what you think. Any advice? Also...let's play catch up; what've you been up to?
xoxo Mo